Luxury Product Packaging that Completes the Experience

Consumer Products

luxury product packaging

Did you know that 61% of consumers said they are much more likely to purchase a luxury product if it comes in premium packaging?

When consumers purchase a luxury product — whether it be cosmetics, jewelry, wines, or electronics — they naturally expect the unboxing experience to match the luxury of the product stored inside. 

High-end brands like Tiffany & Co. have set the bar for luxury product packaging, with its unmistakable robin egg blue box adorned with a white satin ribbon. The Tiffany Blue Box® has become a symbol of exclusivity that connects with the luxe nature of their products and brand.

As a designer and manufacturer of luxury products, there are steps your business can take to make sure the quality of your products is reflected in the unboxing experience for consumers.

Ensure Sophistication for All the Senses

The visual design of luxury product packaging is the first interaction a consumer has with your product — so it’s important it makes a good impression. Much like the Tiffany’s example shows, the emphasis here is on simplistic and sophisticated design.

When packaging colors, graphics, and messaging are too loud or compete with one another, it can create more of a distraction in the eyes of consumers and create an overdone look that lacks that natural elegance. Instead, it’s better to lead with high-quality materials that exude sophistication and those key branding elements that make your business stand out — that unique color, that recognizable logo, etc.

Beyond the way that the packaging for luxury brands looks, there’s also the feel to consider. When consumers lay their hands on packaging, it’s often easy for them to tell the difference between high-end materials and those that are selected more so for price. Luxury product packaging should feel smooth to the touch, with the optimal manufacturing techniques used to ensure there are no frays, printing imperfections, or other issues that can take away from the end-user experience.

Make It Easy to Open and Access Stored Products

In an age where convenience is king, consumers don’t want to wait long to get the gratification for the luxury products they purchase. While this translates into the need for faster delivery times on one end, it also brings up the need for luxury packaging designed to put the focus around the product, not bury it in details (whether that comes in the form of accessories, product literature, or other items that come with the purchase). 

Apple is one example of custom luxury packaging that achieves this effect. When you open the case for an iPhone, the iPhone is the first item you see. Beneath the phone is another custom insert where the charger, a SIM card, and product literature are stored. This simplistic, organized packaging design follows the natural flow an end-user would expect in the unboxing experience, and in doing so creates a more positive experience as they reveal and access their luxury item.

Leverage Our Experience in Luxury Product Packaging

At Cases By Source, we believe high-quality products deserve high-quality packaging. Over the years, we’ve worked with a variety of customers in the luxury product space to design, engineer, and manufacture custom case solutions that make their products stand out for the right reasons.

Connect with our experts to learn how we can help make your packaging an extension of your luxury products.


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